Furthering Michigan Bees.
Bellewether Bees is the beekeeping company known for consciously-crafted products that promote sustainability. We are proud stewards of the land. Each decision we make considers the impact on others and our natural resources.
The Honey —
Select sizes of honey jars are available from our Shiawassee County, MI apiaries. Choose between light, floral spring honey and dark, robust summer honey.
Pure Honey
Straight from the hive. No additives. No gimmicks.
Honey Ferments
Garlic honey for stir-fry. Habanero honey for pizza. Cinnamon honey for coffee. The applications are endless. The ingredient list isn’t.
Our food is only as clean as the land on which we grow it.
Growing conservationists —
Check out our educational resources for activities and articles about honey bee and pollinator conservation.